Why You Need a Family Dentist

Why You Need a Family Dentist

The importance of having a family dentist who can take care of every family member’s oral health needs can’t be emphasized enough. You can prevent cavities, gum disease, and even tooth loss by visiting your family dentist regularly. Not only that, your overall health...
Why Choose Family Dentistry?

Why Choose Family Dentistry?

One of the most important decision for the health of you and your family is a family dentist. Similar to a general dentist, family dentists offer a few significant exceptions. Both types of dentists treat oral health and manage dental hygiene, but family dentists...
Foods that Contribute to Whiter Teeth

Foods that Contribute to Whiter Teeth

It’s part of life that your teeth will likely become dull and yellowed as you age and consume foods that contribute to teeth staining. However, you don’t have to go through life with a tainted smile. There are many options available these days for either at-home or...
Keeping Your Bright Smile after Teeth Whitening

Keeping Your Bright Smile after Teeth Whitening

It’s a fact of life that teeth can become dingy and yellowed through the years. Your diet, age, personal habits and more affect the shade of your teeth. Even with the best care, it’s nearly inevitable that at some point you’ll want to brighten your smile. Once you...
Options for Complete Dentures

Options for Complete Dentures

Denture technology has come a long way since the days of George Washington and his wooden teeth. Unfortunately, people still lose teeth for a variety of reasons including periodontal disease, trauma, and decay. Missing teeth make talking and eating difficult, and can...
Cosmetic Dentistry Options to Whiten Your Smile

Cosmetic Dentistry Options to Whiten Your Smile

A variety of factors can cause your teeth to become dark and dingy. Smoking or chewing tobacco, drinking wine, coffee or tea, eating pigment intense foods, too much fluoride, or trauma to the tooth can all cause your teeth to discolor and lose their shine. The good...
Dental Implants: A Tooth Replacement Miracle

Dental Implants: A Tooth Replacement Miracle

The days are gone when your only option for replacing missing teeth in your smile was getting dentures. Dental implants are the newest and most advanced method of restoring missing teeth, and this type of restoration accomplishes the task with natural-looking and...
Risks Associated with Dental Implants

Risks Associated with Dental Implants

Dental implants provide an innovative solution for replacing missing teeth. A titanium rod is surgically placed in the jaw so that it can fuse with the bone, and ultimately an artificial tooth is placed on top to complete the process. This type of surgery is an...
Dental Implants: Why They Are Better

Dental Implants: Why They Are Better

Statistics show that losing natural teeth is still a common occurrence in oral health today. You might be surprised to know that it is estimated that 70% of Americans have lost at least one tooth by middle age. That’s why dentistry has worked hard to come up with an...
The Invisalign Process

The Invisalign Process

A new way to straighten teeth has been introduced with Invisalign clear braces. As you wear the invisible plastic aligners, your teeth are gently shifted into better positions and you avoid many of the hassles associated with traditional braces. Treatment begins with...
Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

Reasons to Consider Cosmetic Dentistry

Today’s cosmetic dentistry offers an extensive array of treatments and procedures to help restore a beautiful and healthy smile. While you may never have considered cosmetic dental procedures as a solution to your dental concerns, there are quite a few reasons you may...
Dental Implants: An Alternative to Dentures and Bridges

Dental Implants: An Alternative to Dentures and Bridges

In the past, replacing lost teeth meant getting dentures or bridges. Even though these offered the best way at the time to restore your mouth’s appearance and function, technology has improved through the development of dental implants. The main drawbacks of bridges...
Long Term Dental Implant Care

Long Term Dental Implant Care

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care. Like natural teeth, dental implants require vigilant oral care to maintain their usefulness and prevent problems. Once the implant has fused to the jaw bone, it is important to follow some general guidelines to...
The Importance of a Family Dentist

The Importance of a Family Dentist

You might have the idea that visiting the dentist isn’t that important in the overall picture of your health, but you’re wrong. Establishing a relationship with a good dentist is key to being healthy, and seeking treatment from a family dentist is a great way to...
Straightening Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Straightening Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Are your teeth misaligned? Do you have overlapping or crooked teeth? Did you have braces as a child but didn’t keep up with your retainer, and your teeth shifted back? If your smile is less than its best because of crooked teeth, you have several options to correct...
Family Dentists for Every Stage of Life

Family Dentists for Every Stage of Life

Every member of your family needs a dedicated dental professional who is specialized in handling the oral health needs of each age group. Regular checkups, proper hygiene, and professional cleanings all contribute to a healthy and attractive smile.  Whether it’s the...
Cosmetic Dentistry for That Special Occasion

Cosmetic Dentistry for That Special Occasion

Are you unhappy with your smile? Do crooked, gapped or missing teeth affect you socially and professionally? Do you wish you had received braces as a child? Do you desire a brighter, whiter smile? Have you been dreading some upcoming special occasion, worried about...
When Are Removable Prosthodontics Recommended?

When Are Removable Prosthodontics Recommended?

If your teeth are badly damaged from decay or facial trauma, or if you have several missing teeth, Dr. Thanos may recommend removable prosthodontics to solve your dental problems. Periodontitis (advanced gum disease), bone loss or serious tooth decay can leave you as...
Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Facing dental issues are a fact of life, no matter your age. The likelihood is almost certain that at least one member of your family will require dental treatment at some point, not to mention the need for regular checkups and cleanings. The promise of dental care...
Taking Care of Your Smile through General Dentistry

Taking Care of Your Smile through General Dentistry

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is taking care of your oral health throughout your life. Practicing a consistent dental hygiene routine and maintaining regular visits to your general dentist are the best ways to increase your chances of a beautiful,...
Missing Teeth?  Dental Implants Can Change Your Life

Missing Teeth? Dental Implants Can Change Your Life

If your quality of life has been compromised by tooth loss, dental implants may be the answer to your problem. Missing teeth can affect even the most basic daily activities like speaking and eating. If you are looking for a lifetime replacement for a missing tooth,...
Crowns and Bridges: When Problems Arise

Crowns and Bridges: When Problems Arise

When you have a tooth or multiple teeth with extensive damage, Dr. Thanos may recommend a crown or bridge to restore your smile. Most of the time these restorations provide complete and successful results, but occasionally problems arise. Tooth decay: Good hygiene is...
General Dentistry: Why You Should Never Skip Regular Appointments

General Dentistry: Why You Should Never Skip Regular Appointments

Most of us know we should visit our general dentist every six months for exams and cleanings to ensure optimal oral health, but it seems we find many reasons to avoid those visits. Busy schedules or fear of dental treatments often mean people skip critical routine...
Services Offered at Your Family Dentist

Services Offered at Your Family Dentist

Family dentists can do so much for you and your family. A family dentist is able to perform any other task another dentist can do, but they’re able to perform them on your entire family. The convenience of this service to each member of your family will save you time...